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Tag: heat

It’s Not The Heat, It’s the Hu – – Who Am I Kidding?  It’s The Heat

It’s Not The Heat, It’s the Hu – – Who Am I Kidding?  It’s The Heat

Well, I hope all of you summer fans out there are happy.  It’s not even July yet and we’ve already hit the mid-90’s on several days here in June, the corn is already rolling up from heat stress, and as usual, there’s hardly a drop of rain in sight.  July and August haven’t even reared their ugly heads yet. It’s shaping up to be a brutal summer. Welcome to the new normal. This past week, the thermometer touched 95 degrees…

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The Heat is On!

The Heat is On!

“Hot enough for ya?”  Good Lord, if I hear someone start up a conversation this way one more time in the next few days, I might just end up in a mugshot.  Yes, it’s warm.  Yes it’s muggy.  I get it.  Let’s move on. People often ask me what it was like living in Florida.  Well, congratulations, because from about mid-April to late-October, this was it.  Stifling heat, high humidity, and that wonderfully comfortable film of sticky sweat on all…

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Florida: It’s a Nice Place to Visit, But You Wouldn’t Want to Live There

Florida: It’s a Nice Place to Visit, But You Wouldn’t Want to Live There

The cold days of winter (although our own weather this year has been a mixed bag) often make folks pine for the sun and warmth of the American south – most particularly Florida.  Lots of people travel to the “Sunshine State” in the winter months to take a break from the ice and snow or to ride out the cold months until spring (aka “snowbirds”).  These same folks often return from their winter repast with dreams of a permanent home…

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