New Year’s Resolutions: A Brief Moment of Optimism

New Year’s Resolutions: A Brief Moment of Optimism

It’s a new year – time to roll out your self-improvement resolutions for 2021! (image credit –

Well hello, 2021!  It’s a new year and time for my annual attempt at a “restart” on some of my many annual resolutions.  I say “restart”, because – as always – it’s the same list I start on every January 1st (and unfortunately – eventually fail at).  I should really call these the new year’s endurance trials, because like any test of will, it’s usually a struggle to see how long many of these will last.  Oh, I’m hell out of the gate for the first week or two, but it’s rare that I make it to my one-month chip presentation on many of these items.  Let’s be real – some of these won’t even make it to MLK day (the 18th).

My Fit-Bit tracker is back on my wrist and I’m trying to get in 10,000 steps a day of walking (about 5 miles).  This is largely due in part because my wardrobe will soon need a major “expansion” (due to my holiday overindulgence) unless some changes are made.  I don’t mind having three numbers in my weight, but I don’t like that the lead-off batter is a “2”.

Although my plant-based diet has turned more into a “flexitarian” one, it’s time to get back on the horse and once again reduce my meat intake.  Honestly, I felt much better last year when I was a stricter vegetarian/vegan, and let’s face it – we could all use more healthy fruits, vegetables, and grains in our diets.

Drink more water and get at least eight hours of sleep a day.

The Christmas stuff has been carefully put away in the attic for another year, and this time, I took the extra effort to cull some of the years and years of accumulated “stuff” that was associated with the seasonal décor.  I had boxes of holiday fluff that never get used, so it was time to thin out the herd.  Now if I can only do that to the entire attic, the basement, and the storage shed outside.  I may need to rent one of those large dumpsters that you see at construction sites.  Yes, it’s that bad.

Speaking of extra stuff, I sure do seem to accumulate lots of kitchen gadgets.  Sure, I like to cook and piddle around near the refrigerator and stove (and Lord knows I have enough specialized tools to do it with), so it’s high time to I get some of this equipment out and incorporate it into my weekly menu planning.  I’ve got crock pots, cast iron skillets, air fryers, waffle irons, Kitchen-Aid mixers, and “George Foreman” grills.  They should get used more than once a year (or see previous paragraph).

Unplug from the internet and concentrate on other diversions, like reading or my LEGO collection.  I usually read about five or six books a year.  I should double that.  My LEGO city now has a permanent home in the basement craft room as well, so it’s time to set it up properly and “expand” its borders. 

I have three guitars (and for some reason –a banjo) – when was the last time I played one?  I can’t remember.  I was classically trained in my youth, so it’s not like I don’t know how to read music and play (although the banjo remains a mystery to me).  I should get them out and practice a bit.

OK, Duolingo – for the third year in a row, I’m bound and determined to learn Spanish from you.  I have to review the 1st third of your lessons again (honestly,”la tortuga come queso” [“the turtle eats cheese”] doesn’t come up all that much in casual conversation), but I swear, I’m going to make it through your entire lesson library.  If I can one day watch “Sabado Gigante” on Telemundo without subtitles, I’ll be a happy man.

As you can see, that’s quite a list.  I’m probably failing one of these right now as you read this, but hey, I’m in there punching.

What are some of your new year’s resolutions?  Drop me a line in the comment section below.   

2 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions: A Brief Moment of Optimism

  1. Wilson College has an evening “Spanish for Adults” class. Forgot what it cost (wasn’t that much) but was fun. Tried it my version of Spanish in the Mexican restaurant I frequent and the wait staff didn’t laugh all that much.

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