Garden Check-Up: How’s It Going So Far?

Garden Check-Up: How’s It Going So Far?

If you’ll recall, I made the decision to put out a garden this year, and have been dutifully tending my 26’ x 5’ plot in the Clear Spring Community garden ever since.  I’m also happy to report that after a slow start (where I thought I might be this year’s only tenant), three more of the six remaining plots have been claimed, so at least I have some gardening neighbors.

My little garden plot as of Sunday, May 31st, 2020. Quite a bit of a change since my last report. Salad greens on the lower right, tomatoes, peppers, and squash in the middle, and I’m training cucumbers up the back fence.
For comparison, here’s what the plot looked like back at the beginning of May.

I’m still working from home most days of the week, and as soon as my shift ends (at around 4:00 PM) each day, I take a stroll down to the garden for watering, weeding, new plantings, and other daily maintenance.  The walk is good exercise, and I find the work itself freeing, as my mind can wander as I pull weeds or pluck the suckers off of my tomato plants.

My “salad” section. In here I have staggered squares of lettuce, spinach, kale, radishes, carrots, and onions. Once I harvest one, I replant it. Hopefully, I’ll have fresh greens all summer long!

Following a late cold snap (in which I did lose a few plants), everything is now going like gangbusters since the late spring/early summer weather has arrived.  I still watch my YouTube videos for tips and tricks, but mostly I’m figuring out things on my own as I experiment with trellises, staggered plantings, and top dressing my plants with mulch.

I have also “relaxed” my militant planting plan (kept on a spreadsheet) and am now very happy to leisurely replant a square (once it has been harvested) or drop something in that looks interesting (with no regards to the plan whatsoever).

Sugar snaps peas on the left (which I’m training up a homemade teepee trellis). A few squares of bush beans are getting established in the middle, and my broccoli squares are on the far right.

Like any grand experiment, there have been hits and misses.  For example, I’m convinced that one could easily grow radishes between a crack in the concrete sidewalk or in the gravel of a parking lot.  Talk about wet it and forget it.  Same thing with cilantro.  Just drop the seeds in the dirt and get out of the way.  Other crops, though, have tested my patience.  I tried onions from seed instead of from sets, and the wait for them to get established has been excruciating.  Same thing with chives.  I just can’t seem to get them to germinate.

Although I’ve never grown them before in my life, I’ve got several maturing broccoli heads and quite a few cauliflowers coming on (the ones I planted earlier have done better, overall).  My sugar snap peas, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, bush beans, tomatoes, and peppers are all doing well (so far), and I have even added kale to my “salad greens” section.

A few squares of broccoli, which have been surprisingly easy to grow. I planted these in mid-March, well before our last scheduled frost.
I have some nice cauliflower coming in as well. These were planted in late March.

Like gardeners everywhere, I learn something new every day, and so far at least, I’m enjoying my time digging in the dirt.  Barring any major pest infestations, plant diseases, or rabbit invasions, I should have quite a harvest coming on throughout the summer (he says confidently without really knowing).

I’ll keep you posted……      

One thought on “Garden Check-Up: How’s It Going So Far?

  1. Someone (and I can’t remember who) said that “gardening is good for the soul”. I try to remember that when I’m out pulling weeds and trimming dead flower heads. I’ve watched your plot and things really seem to be growing nicely.

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