Fall Food Trends 2020: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Fall Food Trends 2020: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Food trends come and go (remember when everyone was excited about fondue?) and 2020 is no exception – even with all of the stress involved with the pandemic.  There have been a lot of new food trends this year, so it’s time to take a look at them (and of course, give my totally biased opinion about each one).


You had your meat eaters, you had your omnivores.  There were vegetarians, pescatarians, and vegans.  Now comes the “flexitarian” – which means that one’s diet is basically vegetarian or vegan, but that same person will partake in meat (or fish) on occasion.  It’s basically a “cheat card” for the veggie set.  I guess I’m a member of this new “club” as well, as even though I try to maintain a pretty strict vegan diet, I will bend/break on occasion.  I mean really, who can resist a nice, crispy piece of bacon?  Flex on, you crazy flexitarians – I’m with you.

A “flexitarian” diet features the majority of foods being plant-based, but every now and again, some meat or fish can be added in. (image credit- tasteforlife.com)

MY RATING:  Thumbs up

Coffee-Flavored Beer

Nothing says “WTF” faster than taking two perfectly good beverages (coffee and beer) and ruining them both by placing them in the same container.  Was anyone asking for this?  I have never, ever said (nor heard) – in my lifetime – the phrase “you know what would make this coffee even better?  Adding in beer.”  Same holds for the opposite.  I guess if you don’t want the impairing effects of downing a six-pack or the shaky, caffeine-fueled, alertness of drinking a strong cup of java, then this one’s for you.  So basically, you’ll be somewhere in the middle, but your thirst will be quenched.  You know what does that for me?  A glass of water.

Doesn’t PBR have a tough enough job finding a drinking audience? Why add coffee to the mix? I just don’t get it. (image credit – foodandwine.com)

MY RATING:  Thumbs Down

Plant-Based Proteins

Let’s face it, a plant-based diet is healthier (overall) than one loaded with meat and dairy (I’m not going to sit here and argue with you – go look it up on your own time).  Every month, retailers are making it easier to reduce your protein intake from meat/fish-based sources in favor of plant-based alternatives.  I’ve tried a fair number of these (in my pursuit of my own plant-based diet) and can tell you that many of them are quite tasty and almost indistinguishable from their actual counterparts.  For example, I’ve introduced plant-based ground beef into our regular recipes of tacos, meat sauce (for pasta), and meatloaf – and no one is the wiser.

Plant-based meat substitutes are all the rage these days, and some of them (like this one) are pretty good. (image credit – thekitchn.com)

MY RATING:  Thumbs Up


Haven’t heard of this one yet?  Don’t worry – you will.  Ube (pronounced “ooh-bay”) is a purple yam from the Philippines, and its distinctive, bright purple color is being used in desserts (think ube cheesecake or ice cream) and other food recipes.  Trust me, if it’s made with ube, you’ll know.  Again, I don’t know who was asking that “Barney the Dinosaur” be crushed in a blender and sprinkled over my pie or folded into my biscuits, but here we are.  Maybe it was someone from Smithsburg.

No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you, that’s the actual color of ube. Looks like hair gel for a unicorn. (image credit – biggerbolderbaking.com)

MY RATING: Thumbs Down

What fall food trends have you noticed to be on the rise?  Drop me a note in the comments and let me know!

2 thoughts on “Fall Food Trends 2020: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

  1. Frankly, there are any number of items I see in the grocery stores today that I have no idea what they are or what you are suppose to do with them. I would like to see more smaller portion items made available. Not everyone is feeding a family.

  2. Can’t agree with you on the beer. Nothing more satisfying than an Imperial Coffee Stout. Coming from a guy with a newer set of taste buds.

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