Christmas Reflections
As I sit here all snug and cozy in my living room, a landscape of white outside from the recent snow – the Christmas lights illuminating the room while Bing Crosby croons in the background, I am overwhelmed with the festivity of the season. My youngest and her friends are baking cookies and laughing in the kitchen, I am sipping a warm, mulled wine with my wife, and my 20-year old cat (bless her soul) is actually curled up next to me on the couch, lazily dreaming about whatever cats do.
I am pondering the season, this past year, and this “wonderful life”.

2020 has been an unforgettable year, although many would like to. COVID-19 has put unusual stress and strain on millions of folks around the globe. Many people have lost family members and suffered unspeakable economic hardships as a result of the pandemic.
I have been very fortunate, in spite of all of the punches that this year has thrown. I’ve kept my job, my health has been good (although I have been tested twice for COVID-19 thus far), and my family (including my mother, who lives down the street) has also been spared any pandemic-related illness (knock on wood).
I have a roof over my head, food in my pantry, and clothes on my back. Many others cannot say the same.
I sit here on the couch and think of these things, and I find myself welling up with emotion. Maybe it’s my age, the wine, or the season speaking to me, but I am a little verklempt.
To quote Bob Cratchit from ‘A Christmas Carol’ – “I am a lucky man”.
I hope that each of you finds the time to count your blessings this holiday season, no matter what situation you may find yourself in.
I’ll be taking the next few weeks off to recharge, reset, and welcome a new year, but I’ll be back in early January 2021 with more stories to tell and more observations to make – if you’re willing to read them.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, and a Happy New Year to you all!
3 thoughts on “Christmas Reflections”
Merry Christmas Jimmy! Enjoy your time off. Maybe it is age that makes us a little more sentimental but I believe we come to a better understanding to how precious things in our lives are and how quickly they can be swept away. God Bless.
Thank you for taking the time to use your considerable writing talent to issue this article every week. I look forward to seeing what topic you have picked and definitely enjoy the humorous approach used to get the point across.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Christmas is definitely a magical time, which causes us to reflect on how lucky and blessed we are. I was really hoping the snow would last through Christmas Day. Stay safe.