We Celebrate Another American Milestone In 2026 – Will We Be Ready?
Happy Independence Day, everyone! July, 4th, 1776 was a momentous day in our history, and we celebrate it annually with parades, cook-outs, vacation weekends and of course, fireworks. It’s hard to believe that’s it’s been 246 years since the thirteen colonies declared their Independence from the English Crown.
In just four short years, we’ll be celebrating another milestone. Our Semiquincentennial, or 250 years of independence. I hate to be a party-pooper, but that seems like that will be hard to market. Not glamourous and catchy like the Bicentennial (200 years), just the name alone is hard to say and takes up a lot of room on a t-shirt (although with the size and girth of the average American these days, it just might fit).

In these days of political turmoil and the “us vs them” mentality, can this country set aside its differences and celebrate as one big happy family? I just don’t know.
I clearly remember the Bicentennial celebrations around the country (way back in 1976). Just a lad of nine at the time, it was one big party that year, and we were all invited. Remember the “Tall Ships”, a flotilla of beautiful multi-masted sailing ships that visited ports and harbors all over the US? How about the “Freedom Train”? A touring exhibition of historical memorabilia that stopped at railway stations all over the lower forty-eight, allowing young and old alike to whisk through rail cars (on moving platforms) and view artifacts from our collected history? It was like the Smithsonian museums came to us that summer.
There were parades, reenactments, and historical plays. Small towns gathered to recreate the story of our founding fathers. In parks, town halls, and village squares, faux Patrick Henrys defied British rule, while pseudo Benjamin Franklins, Thomas Jeffersons, and George Washingtons gave grand speeches about liberty, freedom, and the struggles it took to forge a new nation. School kids donned baby powder-doused wigs and hoop dresses to learn and experience their nation’s history. It seemed like every town had a spectacular fireworks show that year.
It was a grand time.
Will we rise to the occasion in 2026?
Will we see the same level of celebration, cooperation, and citizen involvement that we experienced back in 1976?
Are we even capable of it anymore?
I hope so, but with today’s short attention spans, electronic diversions, instant gratification, and “me-first” attitudes, I’m not sure if we – as a society – are even capable of holding a nationwide celebration that won’t run off the rails before it even leaves the station.
We’re only 250 years old once, and 2026 will be here sooner than we think. Maybe we can get our act together before then.
I hope you all have a safe and happy Independence Day!
One thought on “We Celebrate Another American Milestone In 2026 – Will We Be Ready?”
Due to our bias unfiltered news media all we hear about are the bad things happening in this Country. I still feel that underneath all the media hype there are a large portion of citizens who still believe and support our basic principles. Hopefully the silent majority will reach a point where they let their feelings be known.