Things I’m Getting Tired Of – 2021 Edition
I’m a simple man, just trying to make my way in this life. I’m not looking for trouble and I’m all about letting people go their own way. If you want to make questionable life decisions – as long as they don’t impact me, I say go for it. You want to ride a motorcycle without a helmet? Be my guest. Want to own forty-five firearms? As long as you’re not shooting them off in town at 3:00 AM after muscling your way through a thirty pack of ‘Natural Light’ beer on a Tuesday? Have at it. You do you.
With that being said, there are things that continue to irk me. Things that get my blood boiling. Things that rev my anger meter from 0 to 100 in mere seconds. Things that we – as a society – can do without. It’s time for me to get some of these things off of my chest.

The Continued Spread of Retail Self-Service Kiosks
Look, I understand they have an allure to some people. I’ll even use one myself, in a pinch (if I only have one or two items), but if I’ve got a cart load of groceries or department store selections, I’m not going to stand there and scan fifty items. I don’t work here (and don’t even start with the “no one wants to work” line – you all know the reason you can’t hire anyone – and it’s NOT the stimulus checks). Most people aren’t smart enough to use them anyway. Ever watch someone trying to weigh and scan a bag of oranges? It will make you wonder if they drove to get to the store or were dropped off to be picked up later. Look for the picture of oranges, Jeannie – then touch it. It’s an orange. Say it out loud – you’re halfway there. For God’s sake, you chose to use the self-checkout, why are you pissed off now? Stores are now even trying to “trick” us by adding in even more of these abominations, but in the regular check out aisles (and not relegated to their little “corrals”). “Oh, look – number seven is open. I’ll just swing in there and – – – d%mn it!” Corporations will tell you it’s what the customers want. I call BS. If there’s one thing I’m not looking forward to on my weekend errands, it’s the chance to scan and bag my own groceries.
The Constant Use of Cell Phones
Can society function without this palm-sized device in their mitts anymore? Sure, anyone under 30 has their eyes glued to it 24x 7, but it’s spilling over into the older generation as well. Just look for the lowered heads in any crowd and you’ll see what’s going on – and I do mean any crowd. Live concert? People still on their phones. Driving down the highway? Take a quick glance at the car next to you. Everyone is on their phones (including the driver). Having dinner in a restaurant? Why talk with people at the table when they can aimlessly stare at their screen for the whole meal? I’m in the IT field, and I absolutely loathe how cell phones have taken over the social spectrum. People have panic attacks if their I-Phone or Android is not within arm’s reach. It’s pathetic. If I’m speaking to you and I see that sideways glance downwards, then yes – you’re about to get a visit from Captain Sarcastic. Hope you enjoy your time together.
Can I go through a day where I’m not contacted by a scammer or robo-call on my home or cell phone? How many chances do I need to extend my car’s warranty? No, I’m not looking to sell my home (or no anyone in my area who is). I’m not currently suffering from back pain, nor do I understand Mandarin Chinese. Honestly, if it’s not a name on the caller ID that I recognize, I’ve just stopped answering the phone all together. If it’s that important – someone will leave a message. The invention that revolutionized communication has become a household annoyance. Alexander Graham Bell is rolling in his grave. How sad.
Personal Entitlement Over Common Sense
You know who you are. The “Karens” and “Chads” of the world. The expired-coupon wielding, shoulder driving, non-dog poop cleaning, disabled parking space abusing, non-mask wearing jackasses who make everyone they come in contact with miserable. We get it – It’s all about you. It’s your world and we’re all just living in it. Screw the other people standing in line, the store hours, or the posted rules. You throw a public hissy fit at the first sign of a personal inconvenience. Guess what? Everyone is tired of you – and I do mean everyone. Go back to the double-wide and wait for the repo man to pick up your new Ford F-150 that you can’t make the payments on, you piece of sh*t. No one likes you and our collective hearts leap with joy when you get murdered by words at the customer service counter by a manager or throat punched by a bystander who is tired of your garbage as well. Think of the movie “Titanic”. You’re ‘Jack’ and we’re ‘Rose’ – and there’s no room for you on this piece of floating debris. What? You’re cold and may drown? Awwwww. See you on the other side, loser.
What about you? What things are you tired of? Drop me a line in the comments below!
One thought on “Things I’m Getting Tired Of – 2021 Edition”
Wow you hit the nail on the head with your pet peeves; all of which I totally agree with. I might add drivers who think the road belongs only to them and pull in front of you with only inches to spare between you and the tractor trailer.