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Tag: seasonal eating

The Summer Vegetable Stand:  Buying Local Never Tasted So Good

The Summer Vegetable Stand:  Buying Local Never Tasted So Good

Living in a rural area in the summer is a magical time.  Gardens are in full bloom, and all over the countryside, local fruit and vegetable stands are busy, presenting fresh and just-picked produce used in our favorite summer recipes.  They may be a formal market, a lean-to on the side of the road, or even just a small table at the end of a driveway (where payment is made on the honor system), but no matter where you find…

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Healthy Eating:  A Deliberate Act

Healthy Eating:  A Deliberate Act

I know, I know.  Another article preaching the platitudes of healthy eating and a healthier lifestyle, but let’s face it – none of us are getting any younger.  I’m at the age where I’m routinely hearing about friends, co-workers, or acquaintances who are experiencing major health scares or even worse, I’ll read their obituary in the local paper.  I don’t know about you, but I’m on the cusp of retirement, and I’m not ready to cash in my chips just…

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Summer Tomatoes: A Seasonal Treat

Summer Tomatoes: A Seasonal Treat

I love to eat “seasonally”, which means enjoying the fruits and vegetables that are in their prime growing and harvesting months.  In today’s society, we’ve become so accustomed to having everything available to us at all times of the year that we often miss out on enjoying nature’s bounty when its rewards are at their most fragrant, flavorful, and in most cases, economical. For example, let’s talk tomatoes (which are in their prime as we speak). Sure, you can buy…

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Well, the weather is FINALLY starting to turn here locally.  I’m not saying every day is mild and wonderful, but following the vernal equinox (the first day of spring), the mechanisms of the natural world are in place to bring life and renewal to the winter landscape.  The daffodils and tulips are beginning to break through the soil, trees are beginning to show their first buds, and the spring rains are soaking the ground and awakening the plant life beneath….

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Fall Vegetables You Should Be Eating Now

Fall Vegetables You Should Be Eating Now

I spoke a little bit last week about seasonal eating.  In keeping with that theme, here is a list of seasonal vegetables for autumn that you should be including in your menu planning.  They are at their best flavor (and best value) now at your grocery store of farmer’s market. Beets – Yes, beets (no, not those God-awful ones your Grandma made you eat during the holidays).  Slice these, roast them, and add them to salad greens, topping them with…

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Seasonal Eating: Both Smart and Budget-Friendly

Seasonal Eating: Both Smart and Budget-Friendly

Today I want to introduce a concept to you that you’ve probably read about, but don’t consciously think too much about – and you really should. Seasonal eating. What is seasonal eating?  Well, it’s creating and eating meals based around the fruits and vegetables that are “in season” where you live.  To put it even more simply, you eat things that you would grow or find in your garden or at your local farmer’s market at specific times of the…

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