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Tag: football

College Tailgating:  A Sport for the Young

College Tailgating:  A Sport for the Young

I spent this past weekend down in sunny (and wet) Florida, visiting family and also attending the parent’s weekend at my youngest daughter’s college – the University of Central Florida. Back when I was a Florida resident, UCF was just a small commuter school (think the size of Hagerstown Community College), but over the past twenty years, it has grown by leaps and bounds, now boasting the largest university population in the state with over 70,000 students.  The construction on…

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College Football Fan? Uhh, I Guess So….

College Football Fan? Uhh, I Guess So….

So we’re now finished with Week 2 of college football, and I have watched more games in the past two weeks than I have in the past twenty years. Why, you may ask? Well, my youngest is going to a premiere SEC school in the south (all I’ll say is that Forrest Gump also went there), and since she is going to or watching games every week now, I feel almost like I HAVE to watch them – just to…

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High School Sports: It’s Hard to Be Good When You’re A Small School

High School Sports: It’s Hard to Be Good When You’re A Small School

Now that my youngest daughter is a proud member of the high school band, I recently got my first taste of that fall tradition that is celebrated in towns all over America – the Friday night high school football game. Now, you must understand that the town I live in has a population of about 400 people, and the high school itself also has a student body of around 400 (basically doubling the size of town on any given school…

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