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Tag: distance learning

Another School Year is About to Begin – But This Year is A Bit Different

Another School Year is About to Begin – But This Year is A Bit Different

Following on the heels of last year’s school calendar ending with a rushed and emergency distance learning set-up (locally, our kids were forced to online learning in March to finish out the school year), this year school officials (in Maryland) have already announced that the upcoming school year will start out (on August 31st, 2020) with distance learning (no onsite presence) until the COVID-19 situation can be assessed and reviewed. This, of course, has received mixed reviews from local parents…

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Distance Learning: It’s a New Age of Education

Distance Learning: It’s a New Age of Education

Sometimes, changes in a system come about organically over time.  After a while, you forget how they even came into being.  At other times, a system has change suddenly thrust upon it, altering it dramatically and quickly, like a thunderbolt. Our education system is currently undergoing such a change. Over the years, technology tools have been slowly introduced to enhance and help both teachers and students create new learning opportunities.  Remember the overhead projector?  The whiteboard? How about those gripping…

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