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Tag: diet

Healthy Eating:  A Deliberate Act

Healthy Eating:  A Deliberate Act

I know, I know.  Another article preaching the platitudes of healthy eating and a healthier lifestyle, but let’s face it – none of us are getting any younger.  I’m at the age where I’m routinely hearing about friends, co-workers, or acquaintances who are experiencing major health scares or even worse, I’ll read their obituary in the local paper.  I don’t know about you, but I’m on the cusp of retirement, and I’m not ready to cash in my chips just…

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My Plant-Based Diet – A Nine Month Check-In

My Plant-Based Diet – A Nine Month Check-In

If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you may recall that I switched to a plant-based diet back in November of 2019.  To be clear, I did this for my own personal health reasons, as the data I’ve looked at shows that a meatless/dairy-free diet has some significant health benefits.  I don’t go around shaming other meat-eaters, waving signs, or attending PETA rallies.  I’ll also still eat meat from time to time (if it’s the only option available or…

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A Plant-Based Diet: Am I Really Doing This?

A Plant-Based Diet: Am I Really Doing This?

As the years have passed by, I have come to the realization that the older I have become, the worse I feel.  Oh, I can’t point to anything specific, but in general – if you ask me “how are you?” – I’m more than likely to respond with a pursing of my lips and a response of “meh”. Let’s look at my various ailments and conditions that I now deal with on a daily basis.  First off, I’m about twenty…

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