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Tag: charcuterie

Charcuterie:  An Easy Dinner Option (That’s Also Very Trendy)

Charcuterie:  An Easy Dinner Option (That’s Also Very Trendy)

On a hot summer night, sometimes the last thing anyone wants to do is turn on the grill or oven and prepare dinner for the family.  These days, there’s another option that is quick, easy, and can also be creative and fun. Charcuterie. Whoa, slow down there, Maurice.  I’m not eating any weird pig’s stomach or cast-off chicken parts. Not to worry.  While “charcuterie” is a French word (which actually deals with the art and science of preserving meats), the…

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Charcuterie Boards – A Hot “Snack” Trend

Charcuterie Boards – A Hot “Snack” Trend

Summer is almost upon us, and if you’re out and about at a concert, festival, picnic, or looking for food options to take with you out into the wild, wild, wilderness, a great and trending option is a charcuterie board. Excuse me, a what? Charcuterie, a French tradition (of course), is the “art” of preparing and displaying cured meats and cheeses. In other words, its a fancy meat and cheese tray.  Those crazy French. But it’s so much more.  A…

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