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Tag: carnival

It’s Carnival Week!  The Annual Tradition Continues

It’s Carnival Week!  The Annual Tradition Continues

The first week of August means only one thing in my small town. It’s carnival week! Yes, that cavalcade of carnies, questionably-maintenanced rides, deep fried food, inflatable trinkets, and colorful, live entertainment descends once again on my little town, offering a week of summertime entertainment to young and old alike. The carnival marks the wind-down of the summer season, when kids know school is just around the corner and older folks know another summer is almost gone, soon making way…

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It’s Carnival Season!  A Summer Tradition Continues

It’s Carnival Season!  A Summer Tradition Continues

Early June means a lot of different things here in the four-state area.  The kids are getting out of school for summer vacation, farmers are busy planting their corn crops, seasonal farmer’s market sales moving into high gear, and one other annual tradition gets kicked-off for the summer months. The local carnival. Every summer, each small town or municipality features a week where the carnival comes to town.  It’s a cavalcade of food, arcade games, questionable rides, and musical entertainment…

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The Food & Beverage Business: COVID-19 Edition

The Food & Beverage Business: COVID-19 Edition

I’ll admit, due to the pandemic, it’s been a summer to remember (or forget, depending on your point of view).  With all of the social distancing, rules, and just plain fear of catching the COVID-19 virus keeping customers away, running a business during the past six months has been anything but easy. Today, I’ll focus on restaurants and other food eateries, one of the hardest hit sectors in the recent economic downturn.  ‘Business Insider’ recently reported that as many as…

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It’s Carnival Week! Let the Good Times Roll!

It’s Carnival Week! Let the Good Times Roll!

The last months of summer can mean only one thing in my neck of the woods – it’s time once again for the annual Clear Spring Volunteer Fire Company Carnival! For the week of August 5th through August 10th, the carnival grounds just south of town are the place to be and be seen, as every local civic organization and school group will have a stand or gaming tent in place for the biggest local fundraiser of the year. The…

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Carnival Week 2017: The Tradition Continues

Carnival Week 2017: The Tradition Continues

Yes, it’s time once again for the annual Clear Spring Volunteer Fire Company’s annual summer carnival, taking place this week (7/31-17 – 8/5/17) at the carnival grounds just outside of Clear Spring, Maryland. In what’s become a sort of tradition at the Snyder household, we have driven by the grounds on several occasions on Sunday to see what sort of thrill rides and other delights the amusement company in charge of this year’s rides has brought to town for the…

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The Summer Carnival: A Celebration of Small Town America

The Summer Carnival: A Celebration of Small Town America

All over the four-state area, summer means it’s time for the local carnival, an annual tradition that exemplifies small town, family entertainment.  Throughout the region, each community has its own “carnival week”, a time when the local community gets together to eat, play, raise money for various civic organizations, and mingle. This week marks the annual Clear Spring Volunteer Fire Company Carnival, a local entertainment institution that’s been going for over 75 years.   Generations of families have experienced what is…

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