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Tag: birthday

Another Year Older, But A Bright Future Ahead

Another Year Older, But A Bright Future Ahead

This past weekend, I celebrated another birthday.  I turned 57, which is not old enough to qualify for Social Security, but still is old enough to say “may I have the senior discount, please?” at the movie theater. Anyway, at my age, a birthday is a good time to pause for a moment and reflect about the past, take stock of the present, and look forward to the future. I’ve made my share of life mistakes, but I’ve never had…

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Birthdays, Birthdays, Everywhere!

Birthdays, Birthdays, Everywhere!

It’s a weekend of celebrations!  Our country is celebrated its 245th birthday this past weekend, and in only five short years – we’ll be heading for a banner Sestercentennial (or Quartermillenial) celebration here in the good ‘ol U.S.A (although neither of those sounds catchy emblazoned on a T-shirt).  That’s 250 years, if you haven’t guessed yet.  I wonder what sort of celebrations and events will take place in 2026?  Who knows?  I fondly remember our bicentennial (1976), a year’s worth…

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Thoughts on Turning 50

Thoughts on Turning 50

My, my – how the time has flown.  Yes, this coming week – I will celebrate 50 years on this planet (as the helpful people from AARP have already reminded me with their recent large-font mailings).  What does it feel like to be a half-century old?  Well, truth be told – it doesn’t feel any different from turning 49, or 37 for that matter.  In my head, I’m still the same person who it seems just graduated from high school…

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