The “Supermoon” is Coming – Get Out and See It!
Taking advantage of the wonders of nature doesn’t always involve travel. In the four-state area, we are blessed with many breathtaking vistas right outside our own windows – beautiful mountains, sleepy creeks, and farmland dotted in squares of color.
Next week, you’ll only need to walk outside and look up to see an astonishing show.
The “Supermoon”.

The full moon on the night of November 14th will appear larger and brighter than normal, due to the fact that its elliptical orbit will happen to put it very close to Earth during this month’s lunar cycle (making it appear larger than normal – almost 15% larger). In fact, the moon hasn’t been this close to the Earth since 1948 (and won’t be again until 2034).
This full moon is part of a “trio”. If you happened to see last month’s full moon, you probably noticed it seemed larger and brighter than normal. It will be again during the next full moon (on December 13th), but the full moon on Monday night (November 14th) will be the “biggest” of the three.
The weather forecast is for cloudy skies, but let’s hope the moon will peak through now and again so we can enjoy the show.
Try to catch the moonrise, when another optical illusion (known as the “moon illusion”) makes the moon appear monstrous against the horizon line[1]. Grab a camera and take a picture, as this event won’t happen again for another 18 years!
[1] Excerpts and info taken from “November’s Supermoon is Closest Since 1948: 5 Amazing Facts”,, Accessed 11/10/16