Spring is Here! (Actually, It’s Been Here for Weeks)
Well, spring “officially” made its annual appearance this past week, but let’s not kid ourselves. We’ve had a VERY mild winter this year locally, and judging by my flowering cherry trees (which have already bloomed and faded), the landscape has been in full-on regeneration mode for several weeks already. If this keeps up, old “Punxsutawney Phil” will be greeted by crocuses and daffodils next year on Groundhog Day.

I’m sure the local ski resort took a financial beating this year, and my own kids laugh at me when I say we used to skate on the local ponds in my youth during winter time. They look at me like I grew up in some old Norman Rockwell painting, when in reality, it was merely in the time of punk rock, leg warmers, and Blockbuster video stores. I’m afraid the era of a long, cold winter may be over for my neck of the Mid-Atlantic states.
Which brings me to the current weather conditions. Will this season bring about an abundance of ticks and other outdoor pests that didn’t get “frozen out” over winter? Will we see a population explosion of stink bugs this year? I feel like I’m a month behind on my little garden plots and the yard already look like it needs a good mowing. Will I see strawberries in late April and fresh sweet corn in mid-May? Vine-ripened tomatoes by Memorial Day? Good Lord, it’s like I’m living in Florida again.
Speaking of gardens and flower beds, there’s also a feral cat that seems to have taken up residence in my shed over the winter, and he/she now glowers at me regularly when I come home from work as it watches from the flowers and shrubs. It has also taken to digging in my raised beds and other areas, so I have that to look forward to when I get my garden all set. Hooray. In case you’re wondering – no, I haven’t heard any mewing of feral kittens yet, so here’s hoping that doesn’t come to pass. It’s bad enough that my neighbor’s dogs use my outdoor beds as their personal outhouse. The last thing I need is a bunch of wild kittens for my wife to “save” – but I digress.
Back to the topic at hand, what does this mild winter weather foretell of the coming summer? Will there be long, hot, and dry stretches that turn my lawn to straw and have me retreating for a cool, dark basement by mid-morning? Will the temps regularly touch triple digits? I better get my A/C serviced early, because I think I’m gonna need it.
I always thought I’d have to move further south when I retired to enjoy mild temps in the winter and endure oppressive heat in the summer.
Something tells me I’m already in the right zip code for both.
2 thoughts on “Spring is Here! (Actually, It’s Been Here for Weeks)”
Spring is my favorite time of year but, I agree, it’s really early this year.
Seasons seem like just a vague idea now, but feral cats are real. Good luck. If it helps we have lots of feral cats around but I’ve seen nary a kitten. Make up your own story about that.