Social Media Fads: What Is Going On?
OK, I don’t mean to sound old here, but I have some strong opinions on all of this social media hoo-haa.
Let me first point out that my career choice was Information Technology, and as such I do work with computers, servers, networks, and other technology services on a daily basis. That being the case, I am usually loathe to spend my non-working time on them in any form or fashion. Hell, I rarely even answer the house phone when I’m home, silently cursing Alexander Graham Bell every time I hear it ring. I don’t like to advertise my career either, because just like a doctor, once people find out what I do for a living, the next question inevitably becomes “hey, you’re a computer guy, can you tell me why my laptop is running so slow?”
So, other than Facebook (which I begrudgingly peruse on a limited basis), I am not a big fan of technology in my down-time hours. I don’t ‘Door-Dash’ my food, I don’t ‘Uber’ (like there would be one in my hometown, anyway), and you can take that QR code and stick it up your keester and bring me a paper menu at any restaurant, thank you very much. I don’t use Instagram or Snap Chat, I stay away from the rabbit-hole that is Tik-Tok, and I have never “hash-tagged” in my life (and quite frankly, am probably a better person for it).

That doesn’t mean; however, that I’m ignorant of social media fads and frolic. I remember the rise of the “flash mob”, planking, the “ice bucket” challenge, and the whole controversy over the blue dress/white dress thing. Honestly, some of you really need a hobby.
The latest craze is the “tortilla slap”, where one or more persons face each other, fill their mouths with water, and then take turns slapping each other in the face with a flour tortilla, trying to get the other person/persons to laugh and spit out their stored liquid. Yes, you read that right. When you can’t find tortillas for those fajitas or tacos at the grocery store this week, now you’ll know why. I’ve seen some folks get absolutely destroyed by overzealous participants (Kevin Hart was beating the piss out of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in a recent example), and I’ve seen clips of every age group from toddlers to seniors taking out their aggression on friends and family with this Latin American food staple.
My own daughters are constantly trying to get me in on this little game, but I am not interested. I am filmed enough around the house as it is – just doing what Dads do. Apparently, I have already reached “legend” status in my youngest daughter’s college Instagram and Snap Chat friend groups. Don’t ask me why. I am as confused as a Jack Russell Terrier deciding on a new chew toy at a ‘PetSmart’ when it comes my newfound celebrity status, but I roll with it.
So, if you’re perusing your social media feeds and see me getting hit with produce or dancing on some distant hilltop, my life has obviously taken a wrong turn, so please say a silent prayer for me.
I’ll be taking next week off in order to take care of some family stuff, but will be back on Monday, August 15th for more scribblings and bibblings.
Have a great week!
2 thoughts on “Social Media Fads: What Is Going On?”
Too much social media is taking away our ability to converse one-on-one. You see couples out on date night sitting across from each other each on their cell phone….why waste the money to go out. Use of this media has caused people to take their own lives, bullying, cancelling (beyond stupid) etc. It creates a venue to enhance mob mentality.
By the way I’m having this problem with my PC….just kidding!
Hi Jim,
I think the tortilla slap is so funny!