So You’re Stuck at Home, Huh? Don’t Worry, There’s Plenty To Do
As the coronavirus continues to spread and lock-downs are becoming more and more stringent, you’ve probably got a house full of people that are cooped up and getting restless.
“There’s nothing to do!”

That’s a common chorus I’m hearing in my household.
On the contrary, there are plenty of things to keep one’s mind and body occupied.
For example, we’ve started a 2000-piece puzzle, which is now taking up space on the dining room table.
I’ve got a plot in the community garden, which I’ve started to prepare and also plant some early spring veggies (plus the walk there and back is good exercise).
My wife has been using this opportunity to clean out the basement, and my oldest found the time to clean-up the upstairs bathroom (shared by her and her sister). If you’ve never seen a teenage bathroom, then maybe you don’t understand that this in itself is not only a miracle, but also a huge undertaking (teenage girls are pigs).
I’ve been reading selections from my Louis L’Amour collection (I love westerns).
I’m fascinated by the “tiny house” movement. As such, I can get lost for hours on You Tube, watching video after video of tiny house plans, designs, and how people adapt to tiny house living.
I’m brushing up on my Spanish via the Duolingo website (they have dozens of languages to choose from).
It’s not like we can’t go outside. Afternoon and evening walks are becoming more frequent and common.
My brother lives in California. I’ve spoken to him via phone more in the past two weeks than the previous 2 months, so that in itself is a good thing.
The entire family sat down and watched a movie together. Popcorn, drinks – the whole she-bang. I can’t tell you the last time that happened.
So the next time you hear “there’s nothing to do”, step back and take stock. Odds are, there’s plenty going on at your house, and it’s probably drawing your family closer together than they’ve been in an awfully long time.
Embrace it.