Retirement Update: 30 Days In – So Far, So Good
I finally snipped my tether to the working world this past January 1st and entered the wonderful world of retirement, so for those of you who may be thinking about doing the same (or just want to read about how the other half lives), here’s an update from one month in.

While I’m already living on my day-to-day retirement budget, the final payments from various agencies are still trickling in (state retirement payback, final work checks, etc.), so I’m still waiting to see how my final incoming funds shake out. It’s important to have a handle on your budget prior to making such a big change, and I track mine religiously, keeping exact tabs of where all my money goes each month. This not only helped me be able to know I could retire now, but also helps me sleep better at night, secure in the knowledge that the bills are always paid.
Yes, I’m too young to qualify for Medicare as of yet, so I had to get insurance on the open market/Maryland Health Exchange. This is by far my biggest monthly expense, but I got a healthcare agent to help me navigate the system and find the best deal/plan/fit for the wife and me. I started that search six months before my retirement date, and I was all set up and ready to hit the ground running on “Day 1” of retirement. Something to think about.
So, what do I do all day? Well, I’m trying to find a structure that works for me. I’m still getting up early out of habit (between 6:00AM and 7:30AM), and I spend the first few hours of the morning surfing the net, practicing my Spanish on Duolingo, and looking after my finances. I keep relatively quiet while my significant other is sleeping (as she isn’t due at work most days until 11:00 AM). After a cup of coffee or two, I also walk down to the Post Office and get the mail. I can also run any errands through the week (when it’s less crowded). Since its still bitterly cold outside (it is winter), I then pick what I call a small “piddle job” to focus on once my spouse heads out to work. Just a short task that only takes an hour or two to complete. For now, that means cleaning out the fridge, reorganizing (and de-cluttering) a drawer or two, or some other tasks that have built-up and needed done over the years. Once the weather breaks, I’m sure I’ll be out tending to the garden, working in the yard, or maybe swinging at a few golf balls.
Nap Time
An afternoon nap is a glorious thing, and you working stiffs don’t know what you’re missing. An hour or so snoozing in my favorite chair in the afternoon is a glorious thing. Don’t hate the player – hate the game.
Dinner Prep
I love to cook, and now I have the time to focus on my menu and really work on my culinary skills. No to brag, but there’s some restaurant-quality stuff coming out of my kitchen these days, and I have an appreciative partner who does the dishes afterwards (although I clean as I go with prep work, so its not too bad on the back end).
Post-dinner activities include a glass of wine (or wee dram of whiskey), a good book with some light music in the background or maybe catch up on a show on one of my subscription services. Sometimes I even play an online hand of cards (or two). I’m not a night owl, so I’m generally in the sack before 11:00 PM every night. Living on the edge, baby.
Yes, it’s everything I thought it was going to be (and probably what you hope for as well). I have absolutely no regrets on “pulling the plug” and can’t wait for warmer weather (and longer evening sunlight) to come, when my front and back porch will then become the center of evening activity and lounging.
If you’re on the fence about retirement (and wondering if you should or shouldn’t yet), all I can say is have a plan, make your decision, and get your happy a** in this pool with me – the water’s fine.