Oh, Presents – How Do I Wrap Thee? Let Me Count The Ways
All of this holiday shopping has folks flustered and flummoxed trying to find that perfect gift, but buying that perfect present is only part of the story. There’s still one thing left to do before it can be enjoyed (or hated) on Christmas morning.
It still has to be wrapped.

There are many schools of thought on this.
There are those who work hard to “theme” their wrapping paper, making sure it either all matches or follows some coordinated color scheme. Some folks utilize double-sided paper, upping their wrapping options. Some have strong feelings on “thick” vs “thin” paper. Some people wrap their presents in old newspapers or the Sunday comics.
Are you a “box” or a “bag” person (or neither)? There are those who use pre-printed boxes (instead of wrapping). Speaking of boxes, are you “pro” or “con” on including tissue paper inside the box? How about taping the box shut? Do you use gift tags or just write the name discreetly on the bottom of the wrapped package? There are “bow” people and there are “ribbon” people (I find that folks who coordinate their wrapping paper tend to be ribbon people).
Then there are the “unique” wrappers. You can find all kinds of ideas for this on the internet. Some people can wrap a gift without using tape. Some can add in a pocket for a card. Others will “disguise” the package so that it looks like something else (who got me a stuffed giraffe)?
How do you wrap? All at once or a few packages at a time? Does one person do all the wrapping, or is it a “shared” chore?
Once it’s wrapped, how do you display the gifts? Some people stack them all up under the tree wherever they will fit. Some folks make recipient piles, each person having a specific area that all of their presents are grouped in. Some folks don’t use the tree at all, but place their gifts at strategic points around the room.
Like many other holiday traditions, one’s wrapping style and substance is something that’s been handed down in a family for generations. You do it like your parent’s did it, and they did it like their parents did – or maybe you’ve created your own method that your own kids and grandkids will follow later on in their lives. Either way, without even realizing it, you’ve created a holiday tradition all your own.
In the Snyder household, we tend to use whatever we have for wrapping paper (some of our designs have made multiple annual appearances), but I do like to wrap the kid’s gifts in a “theme”. One of our girls is “snowmen”, while the other is “Santas” (easy for them to find under the tree). We’re box people (tissue paper included), we each wrap the gifts we bought, and we are split on gift tags and writing on the box. We put all of the gifts under the tree – the kid’s presents are together (a pile of snowmen and a pile of Santas), while everyone else’s gifts are just stacked wherever there’s room.
I wrap a few presents at a time, spread out over December, while the rest of my gang usually huddles in a closed bedroom and does all of theirs at once (usually under a time crunch as Christmas Day approaches).
No matter what your style or wrapping agenda, just remember that in the end, it doesn’t really matter. No one will remember the color of the wrapping paper on their gift come New Year’s Day. Focus instead on just how lucky you are to be able to spend the holidays with family and friends, enjoying each other’s company on Christmas morning – no matter what you may have waiting for you under the tree.
One thought on “Oh, Presents – How Do I Wrap Thee? Let Me Count The Ways”
Give books, they are easy to wrap.