It’s Carnival Week! Let the Good Times Roll!
The last months of summer can mean only one thing in my neck of the woods – it’s time once again for the annual Clear Spring Volunteer Fire Company Carnival!

For the week of August 5th through August 10th, the carnival grounds just south of town are the place to be and be seen, as every local civic organization and school group will have a stand or gaming tent in place for the biggest local fundraiser of the year.
The crowds (between 4000-7000 each night) will be on hand to ride the rides (this year offered by Snyder Amusements, Inc. – no relation), play the midway games, and enjoy lots and lots of that classic carnival food! There will be burgers, hot dogs, country ham sandwiches, snow cones, cotton candy, and of course, those world-famous, hand-cut carnival French fries!

This year’s entertainment line-up is as follows:
- Monday, August 5th – Chris Woodward (Top 40, Classic Country, Southern and Classic Rock)
- Tuesday, August 6th – The Cruisers (50’s and 60’s music through today)
- Wednesday, August 7th – The Stickers (Top 40 Country Rock)
- Thursday, August 8th – The Brandy Stills Band (Country Rock)
- Friday, August 9th – Classic Rock Experience (70’s Arena Rock)
- Saturday, August 1oth – Departure (Journey Tribute Band)
Show times are at 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy all the midway has to offer between entertainment sets! “All-night” ride wrist bands are offered for $22, and the midway rides and food stands open at 5:30 PM each night.
Organizers are hoping the weather holds out this week (unlike the deluge that ruined almost every night last year), and have even taken the drastic step of adding a paved section to the carnival midway, which will (hopefully) prevent the venue from becoming a raging torrent of water, should Mother Nature choose not to cooperate again this year. The advanced forecast looks pretty good so far, with only a slight chance of rain each night.
You could win a gold fish, play some bingo, or just catch up with old friends. Come early, set-up your lawn chair, and settle in for a night of old fashioned, wholesome fun!