Hello, 2022! What Resolutions Are You Going To Attempt?
Hard to believe, but another year-end is fast approaching. 2021 is almost in the history books, and 2022 will soon be upon us. That means it’s time to make that annual list of resolutions that we’ll all attempt (and mostly fail) for the new year. Between crowded gyms (that will be ghost towns by mid-March), a fridge full of fresh vegetables (that you’ll end up throwing away by January 15th), and a pile of books from the library (that will soon be overdue before they were even opened), I’m sure our new-found optimism for 2022 will soon meet the realities and old habits of our daily lives – but hey, here’s hoping.

I’ve got quite a few things on my new year’s list.
Get Back on Track with My Plant-Based Diet
I was hard-core for a while, slipped up here and there (going for the excuse that I was a “flexitarian” – which meant I went back and forth between the meat world and the plant world), and have totally fallen off the wagon for the holidays. I have to admit, I felt better on a plant-based regimen, brought a new set of skills to my cooking repertoire (it really is a different way of cooking), and overall – I really didn’t miss all of that meat. As always, I’ve got no problems with meat eaters, I just do it for me (so easy on those comments – you do you, Boo).
Continue to Disconnect from the Electronic World
We cancelled our cable subscription over a year ago (one of the best decisions we ever made), and although we still have a few subscription services we stay current with (‘Netflix’, ‘Disney +’, and ‘Hulu’), I honestly don’t miss “live” TV at all (other than the occasional sporting event). It’s difficult to realize how much the twenty-four hour news cycle and constant bombardment from the likes of ‘Facebook’ (and other social media platforms) really eats up time and takes its toll on one’s mental health and psyche. Don’t get me wrong, the internet can be a wonderful and useful tool (I read several newspapers a day online and publish a blog after all), but for a person who makes his living in the IT world, I’m really not all that fond of all the trimmings and trappings that come along with it. I don’t ‘Tik-Tok’, ‘Snap Chat’, or ‘Instagram’, so like every other person above a certain age, I usually don’t know what the hell my kids are talking about when it comes to pop culture (my wardrobe was recently referred to as “drippy” – I assume that’s good?), but honestly – am I really missing all that much?
Walk More
Notice I didn’t say “exercise more”. Living in a small town, I try to take advantage of our compact geography and walk for all of my in-town errands (i.e. post office, bank, etc.). I also signed up for one of those “mile-a-day” programs at work, so it will give me a good excuse to go over and take a few laps of the local elementary school after-hours (who’s perimeter is paved and well-lit). Although I used to laugh at his physique, I can certainly see now why my father wore pants that were a 34-inch waist, but he had a nice 38-inch barrel gut hanging out over the top of them. I’ve looked in the mirror recently and guess what? There he is.
Enjoy The Silence
One of the things I love about the holidays is sitting in my living room amongst the festive lights, listening to some soft music in the background, and just reveling in the calm of the evening. No TV, no phone texting, no distractions whatsoever. It’s very therapeutic – and a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the preceding day. Even after we take down this year’s holiday decorations, I think this tradition may stay on my list through the winter.
What are your resolutions for the coming year? Drop me a note in the comment section and let me know.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and a prosperous new year!
4 thoughts on “Hello, 2022! What Resolutions Are You Going To Attempt?”
Jim, as always, I enjoy your posts. I don’t make resolutions for the reasons you have so wisely stated. I do need to walk as much in the chilly air as I do on the warm days, so there is that. I also am so lost when it comes to pop culture. I once said the only things that tweet are birds and egotists, I don’t think I am wrong. I can only imagine my wardrobe is worst than drippy if I even knew what that was. Keep up the writing, I look forward to your Monday musings.
I assumed drippy was a negative but was just informed by my boys it is a compliment. 🙂
I tape all the shows I like…then can watch them when I want and fast forward through the ads. Since driving anymore is a matter of avoiding any number of crazy drivers until you get to where you are going, I try to stick to the back roads….easier on my nervous system. My motto is keep as calm and peaceful as possible and avoid any news, social media, ads etc that upset me because my being upset doesn’t change anything.
I also am a fan of your blog, enjoy it very much.
Far as resolutions go as I am 83& 1/2 I figure “why bother”?
Any diet I adopt now means what? I get maybe 8-9 extra months? It ain’t worth it. Why have a vegetarian diet for a miserable meatless ending?
Nels, the carnivore