Happy Independence Day!
This Wednesday marks the 242nd birthday of our beloved United States.
242 years.

That may seem like a long time, but in historical terms, our country is really just a baby. The Ancient Greeks lasted 350 years, the Roman Empire made it past 500 years, and the Egyptians flourished for over 550.
Still, it’s a long time for this grand experiment in self-government. Our founding fathers were wise enough to build a framework that allowed for future change, and that flexibility has most likely allowed us to continue to exist as the society we live in today.
Sure, we have our differences (and in recent years, those differences may seem sharper and more amplified), but in the end, we are all Americans – sharing the same hopes and dreams of our ancestors. As it states in Declaration of Independence, we all want to share in the promise of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Those are lofty ideals, but I think they are worth reaching for. That aspiration is what stirs the soul of our citizens and is the beacon that draws others to our shores, hoping to share in the dream of freedom and prosperity.
As you celebrate this Independence Day, stop for a moment during the cook-outs, fireworks displays, or baseball games and count your blessings.
I’m not saying it’s a perfect utopia. Sure, there are problems. We do have differences in opinions, but that’s the beauty AND the beast of a democracy (or if you want to be technical, a republic). We were all lucky enough to be born in a free society, where the possibilities are still endless. If you can dream it, you can do it. Hard work, dedication, and yes, even a little bit of luck is still rewarded, even in today’s challenging times. If you see a need for change, you have the opportunity and fortunate chance to do something about it. You can volunteer, turn your words and beliefs into action, and lastly, if not most importantly, you can vote (for change or to continue the status quo). People often overlook the power and importance of the ability of a citizenry to be heard via the act of voting. It’s a privilege too often taken for granted.
So raise a glass in toast and thanks this Wednesday to those storied names of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin (to name a few). Their forward thinking and “long view” of government is what has allowed us to be here now – in this place and time – over two centuries after their elegant words were drafted on paper.

Happy birthday, America – may you live to see 242 more years!
I hope you all have a safe and happy Independence Day.
One thought on “Happy Independence Day!”
Thanks for the inspiring words. Far too many of us forget to vote which is probably one of our most important freedoms. Despite our differences, and there are many particularly now, America is still a far better place to live than many of the alternatives. Happy Fourth of July