Grocery Store Pick-Up Services: Where Have You Been All of My Life?
OK, I’ll admit it. I’m not a big “adopter” of technology as it’s used in our everyday lives. That doesn’t mean I don’t use it, mind you, it’s just that I’m not someone who could be called “cutting edge”. For instance, I have a cellphone, but use it for little more than actually making phone calls. I don’t text all that much, I’m not tuned in to all of the latest apps and functionality of the device, and I could care less if Apple or Samsung has come out with its latest and greatest version. On the home front, I just recently dropped my home cable service in favor of just “Netflix” and “Hulu” subscriptions (something that many people have already been doing for years).
That being said, it’s sometimes the simplest of ideas that grab me and once used, I wonder how I lived without it.
Let’s take the weekly grocery store run. If you’ve read any of my blog posts, you then know that I’ve ranted before on how I hate going to the grocery store. The aisles are crowded, the people get on my nerves, and all in all, I would always like that two hours of my life back every week. If only there was a service that would do my grocery shopping for me, allowing me to just swing in and pick it up, paid for and ready to go.
Hello, technology – my new friend.
My local grocery store (it starts with “M” and rhymes with “Fartins”) recently kicked off a grocery pick-up service (via, and I have to tell you after only one use, I’m hooked.

I sign-on to their website from the comfort of my office, sit down with my list, and literally shop. I can “walk” down every aisle of the store or search for specific items, which are then added to my virtual cart. Produce? Check. Meats? Check. Dairy? Yup, I’m covered. All of the store specials were listed as well, so it was just like going to the store – save all of the carts, people, and “Marty”, that annoying, beeping robot who slunks through the aisles and screams about a clean-up over the PA every sixty seconds.

While I’m “browsing”, the system keeps a running total of what’s in my cart. Once I’m ready to “check out”, I add in my payment info, choose a pick-up time, and that’s it. Meanwhile, a service person at the store prints out my order, picks out all of my items (and bags them along the way), and brings it to the collection point at the front of the store. I then just show up during my pick-up window (parking in the specific spots right up front), give the store a call from my cellphone (to let them know I’ve arrived), and they walk everything out to my car. I signed for my purchases and was in and out in literally five minutes. I almost cried tears of joy.
I know, I know – you have questions.
Do they take my store “value” card? Yes, they did, and it adds up my gas points automatically.
Can I use coupons? Yes, I can. I simply place them in an envelope and hand them to my delivery person, who will then input them in the system. Anything over a dollar they automatically credit back to my credit card, and anything under a dollar is credited to my store account for next time.
What does it cost to use? Only $2.95 for a “service fee” (which they even waived since it was my first time using the system).
What if they’re out of something I picked? Actually, I had two items on my list that they didn’t have, so the delivery person took the time to review my order and told me what they had substituted instead of my normal selection.
Where do they store my order before I get there for pick-up? They pulled mine earlier that morning, and my dairy items were in a separate bag that was kept in a cooler before my arrival (frozen items would have been similarly kept in a freezer). The whole order was pulled together (in paper bags with convenient handles) and delivered to my car when I arrived.
My receipt was delivered by email, so I had a record of everything I purchased when I got home.
Another bonus? Now that I’ve shopped online, they have a record of what I purchased, so my weekly staples (bread, milk, cat food, etc.) will be in my profile and much easier to pick out the next time.
I can’t stress enough at how easy the service was to use and how convenient it turned out to be. No more schlepping down the aisles for me on Saturday morning.
Check and see if your local grocery store offers this service and give it a try.
Now I have more time to do my other weekend chores – like mow the yard.
Come on, technology – I’m pulling for you to fix that issue for me as well. Maybe “Marty” is looking for a side gig.
One thought on “Grocery Store Pick-Up Services: Where Have You Been All of My Life?”
For people who are still working this is a wonderful service. I understand that the store that starts with a W and ends with marts also offers this. Amazon that has everything offers this service and in some areas will also deliver your ready to eat meals.