The Great Iced Tea Debate: Sweet vs. Unsweet
There are many topics that can polarize a family, a town, or even a nation into opposing factions. Unlike the presidential cycle (which happens every four years), I know of a particular conflict that erupts almost every year, beginning in late May and lasting well into September.
That’s right, America, I’m talking about the debate over iced tea – “sweet” vs. “unsweet”.

Each side has its ardent supporters, and the fight also seems to be regionalized, based upon where one lives in the country. The Great Civil War will never end, as far as iced tea goes. The further one travels north (i.e. Pennsylvania and beyond), the prevalence is for iced tea to be served “unsweet”, with sweetening options left up to the individual (who then must traverse the complex yet no less difficult “pink pack vs. blue pack vs. yellow pack” controversy, but that’s a different story).
The further south one travels (i.e. Virginia and beyond), the prevalence is for iced tea to come to the table pre-sweetened, and “unsweet” devotees must verbally call out their allegiance and identify themselves, making a special request.
Maryland is (once again) a border state in this silent war. It likes to remain on the fence and neutral (just like Switzerland) – depending on the establishment.
I myself enjoy hot tea with nothing in it (so you can taste the various tea flavors), so I prefer either unsweetened iced tea or slightly sweetened. Generally, packaged tea bags for iced tea are made from varieties of black tea (fun fact!) and there is a slight, coffee-like sharpness that I find pleasing on its own. If I am going to sweeten it, I prefer just a touch of sweetness, but not enough to take away from its “tea-ness”. So I guess you could say I belong in Maryland, since I can see both sides.
Now, I have lived in the South, and they take their “sweet tea” seriously – very seriously indeed. Let’s be clear – when I say “sweet”, I’m not talking about “oh, I get just a hint of honey and brown sugar in this brew” sweet. I mean “blast-your-face-off-white-sugar-added-until-the-spoon-stands-up-in-it” iced tea. One sip of this stuff will make your eyeballs flutter and have you grasping for a vial of insulin. I’ve sipped half a glass and babbled like an auctioneer at a cattle sale for the remainder of the hour. People drink this stuff by the gallon. They get 96 ounce cups of it at a convenience store. They’ll drink three glasses at lunch. I don’t know how they function in the late afternoon following the inevitable sugar crash (or what their dentist visits look like).
What side of the fence do you sit on? Sweet tea or unsweet tea? Drop me a comment and declare your allegiance!
2 thoughts on “The Great Iced Tea Debate: Sweet vs. Unsweet”
Unsweet tea for me, please. Sweet tea makes my teeth hurt.
I must admit that I like the flavored teas – both peach and raspberry. Plain unsweetened tea just seems too bland for my taste. It has to have a little sugar, but not too much. I guess you can tell that I’m from Maryland. I grew up drinking Grandma’s sweet tea… it was plenty sweet but never compared to the eye-crossing sugar content of that in the south.