Getting Older: Another Sign of the Times
I’m celebrating another birthday this week. I’ve been blessed to live for quite a few revolutions around that big ‘ol yellow-orange ball that travels across the sky every day, but I am starting to see some reminders that I’m not as young as I used to be. My minds still thinks it’s a strapping lad in the prime of his mid-twenties; however, the real boss – my actual body – has to throw up a few roadblocks every now and again to point out the real story.
I’ll take one example from the file today – and that’s drinking. Now, if you don’t partake or imbibe, good for you. I salute your self-discipline. Don’t worry, over the years I’ve made up for your sobriety, and many times it hasn’t brought back memories of my proudest moments (but it has created some interesting stories to tell later on).

That being said, as I grow older, I have to be periodically reminded of my limitations, and guess what? The threshold between “having a great time” today “I feel terrible” tomorrow has significantly decreased over the years.
Part of this is my age, but another part of it is due to what is being consumed. Back in the day, it was beer. You always know where you’re at with beer. You can amp it up or dial it back, depending on speed and amount of consumption. Beer is a good friend. Beer is not out to hurt you.
These days, while beer is still good, it has the unwanted side-effect of quickly adding to one’s waistline – aka “the beer gut”. To avoid this, “older” partakers of alcoholic beverages (like me) move on to wine or harder liquors, like bourbon, vodka, or some other spirit. Wines and hard liquors; however, are far more sinister than our old friend beer. In moderation, both are fine, but in larger quantities, wine likes to punish, and hard liquor? Well, liquor just wants to throw you down the stairs and laugh as you tumble end over end. Oh, they will tell you they are like beer, disguising themselves as comforting and tasty, but their consequences are much more dire and potent.
Drink six beers? You may catch a decent buzz that will wear off in an hour or two. Drink six glasses of wine or six mixed drinks? You may require some physical help to get home, not to mention that the term “sleeping it off” is not going to happen that often, especially in my age range. If you are anything like me, after a third glass of wine, I know my internal body thermostat will no longer work (I’ll either be blazing hot or uncontrollably cold) and after a brief two-to-four-hour nap, I’ll toss and turn in bed like a beached whale for the remainder of the night. I’ll also attempt to break the world record for the number of times a person can urinate between the hours of midnight and six AM. Hooray, AARP status.
Thank you, body. I hear what you are saying to me.
Now only if I’d learn to listen.
Quick Note: I’ll be out on vacation next week but will be back the following week to tell you more of my food and travel adventures (or whatever happens to cross my mind). Have a great week!
2 thoughts on “Getting Older: Another Sign of the Times”
Amen brother, i feel your pain and suffering.
This is so true. In my younger days vodka and tonic with a twist was my drink of choice but that had to change later in life. Now its two glasses of red wine and that’s the limit without getting stupid. Maybe with age we finally realize it isn’t worth the pain of overindulging.