Get Out and Walk – It’s Good For You
From the looks of the weather forecasts, it appears that the oppressive heat of this summer will finally take a break in the next week or two (hopefully for good this year), so it’s time to start thinking about fall-weather activities.
The Four-State area is blessed with many pristine and beautiful spots to do the simplest form of exercise imaginable – walking.
Whether it be on the C&O Canal, the Western Maryland Rail Trail, a city or county park, or even the Appalachian Trail, a brisk walk or stroll in the cool morning or evening air does wonders for a person’s mind and body.

I know, I know. “When do I have the time?” you say. Well, in truth, you should make the time. Studies show that walking as little as ten minutes a day releases stress, improves balance, helps clear the mind, and is beneficial for your overall health. [1]
Ten minutes a day.
That’s nothing. Heck, that’s two laps of the Valley Mall or a few trips around the local Wal-Mart, if you can’t get outside.
But if you can, make an excuse to get out and enjoy nature. Savor the sunrise or sunset. Watch as the leaves turn from their summer green to a brilliant palate of fall colors. Observe the squirrels as they busily find the last few nuts to store away for the upcoming winter. Listen to the cackling of birds as they gather in the treetops. Experience the outdoors, either alone or with your family.
Walk – and let your mind wander. You may be surprised at the inspiration you receive, whether it be a moment of blissful peace from a hectic world or the answer to a nagging problem that suddenly becomes clear.
Frederick Nietzsche once said “all truly great thoughts are conceived by walking”.
Give it a try and see what you discover.
[1] Avampato, Chris, “10 Surprising Benefits of: A Ten Minute Walk”, published 3/10/14,n.d.,, Thursday, September 8, 2016 <>