“Early Bird” or “Night Owl”: Which Camp Do You Fall Into?
There are two types of people in this world.
“Early Birds” and “Night Owls”.

Early birds are up with the sun. They relish the quiet hours of the morning, sipping steaming coffee on the porch while scanning the headlines in the freshly-delivered newspaper. They take morning walks, work in their gardens in the cool of the AM, and can be found in the parking lot of the local bank, waiting for it to open. Their chores and errands are done by noon, so that they can come back and enjoy a luxurious afternoon nap. They read in the evenings, and are most likely heading for their bunks before the end of TV’s prime time. It’s been years since they have seen the 11:00 PM news or the “Tonight Show”.
Night owls are the exact opposite. They are ready to roll at around midnight. They catch “last call” at every bar in town and make up the bulk of customers at every ‘Denny’s’ or ‘Waffle House’ at 3:00 AM. They surf the internet and binge watch ‘Netflix’ in the wee hours of the morning. Like vampires, they haven’t seen a sunrise (on purpose) in ages. They enjoy brunch. All of their appointments have to be in the late afternoon, otherwise they just might not make it there on time. They were born to work 2nd shift.
Like the ‘Hatfields’ and the ‘McCoys’, these two types rarely mix (or don’t do so very well). At odds from the get-go, early birds and night owls tend to congregate with their own kind, and if you do force them together, it’s not always smooth sailing. The “EB” camp gets annoyed with the “NO” camp, especially when it’s time to run errands or get things done around the house. The “NO” folks think the “EB” faction is just a little too strict and/or high stung – and maybe they should just calm down and relax. Neither have the same sleep schedule, and think the other just makes too damn much noise. For God’s sake, its 7:30 AM (early bird)/2:30 AM (night owl), what the hell are they doing down there?
Babies and older folks tend to be early birds, while college kids and middle-aged hospitality workers are often night owls. No doubt you may have played for either side in your lifetime, but I’m sure that right now – you know exactly which camp you fall into – and have strong feelings about the other one.
As for me, I’m an early bird, and I not only live with three women, but three night owls.
Heaven help me.
One thought on ““Early Bird” or “Night Owl”: Which Camp Do You Fall Into?”
Since I’m definitely not an EB I guess that makes me an NO. Being retired changes the whole dynamic…..go to bed when you feel like it and do the same with getting up.