Autumn is Officially Here – How I’ve Missed You!
I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to September 22, 2021 (precisely at 3:20 PM, to be exact). For those of you not in the know, that was the date and time of the annual Autumnal Equinox, better known as the first day of fall.

Sure, others may have their favorites. I know folks who can’t get enough of summer. Some folks love the long cold, winter – while others love the rebirth of spring. For me, there is just something about autumn that makes it my favorite season of the year (and no, I’m not talking about that stupid annual time change).
Is there anything better than opening up the windows at night and letting a cool breeze pass through the house while I sleep? Who doesn’t marvel at the kaleidoscope of color in the woods and on the mountains as the palate of nature changes from shades of green to reds, oranges, and yellows? (For those of you interested, the “peak” for fall color locally this year is forecast to be the week of October 18th).
Fall also means changes in seasonal foods. Tomatoes and sweet corn give way to butternut squash, cauliflower, Honeycrisp apples, and other root vegetables. It is a time for heartier fare, likes slow-cooked soups and warm stews. It’s a time to spread a healthy dollop of apple butter on toast, drink warm cider, or enjoy a roast of wild rabbit or other seasonal game meats.

Fall means sweatshirts, football, and crunching leaves underfoot. It’s a time for backyard bonfires and fuzzy socks. Afternoon naps under a plush blanket and carving pumpkins. Parades, crab feeds, and weekend festivals.
Seriously, what’s not to love?
Get out and enjoy the fall season!