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Author: James Snyder

Spring is Here!  There’s Work To Be Done

Spring is Here!  There’s Work To Be Done

Although it doesn’t quite feel like it all the time just yet, we have seen some glimpses of spring temperatures sneak into the weather these last two weeks.  The crocuses have already come and gone, the daffodils are starting to bloom, and the flowering cherry trees in front of my house are just about at their peak perfection, which is always a sign that the weather has turned.  Soon, the redbuds will appear, along with magnolias and Bradford pears (which…

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St. Patrick’s Day:  The Truth from the Blarney

St. Patrick’s Day:  The Truth from the Blarney

Ahh, St. Patrick’s Day.  A day when everyone thinks they’re just a little Irish, but like most people who believe anything they see on Facebook or Tik-Tok, the holiday (and the country of Ireland for that matter) is full of falsehoods and things that are taken as truths – but really aren’t.  Here’s a brief rundown on some of them. St. Patrick drove all of the snakes out of Ireland Supposedly, the good reverend stood on a hill, gave a…

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Spring Is Almost Here – Time For Some Yard Work

Spring Is Almost Here – Time For Some Yard Work

Sure, we have a few more weeks left of Ol’ Man Winter, but this past week, the temps finally broke out of the nightly teens and daytime highs hit the 50’s for a few days. That means it’s time for the annual yard clean-up. Now, if you’ve read past blogs, you know that I like yard work about as much as I like passing a kidney stone or suffering through a bout of shingles, but surprisingly – this year it’s…

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Wintertime Blues: My Skin Is Crawling!

Wintertime Blues: My Skin Is Crawling!

One of the many things that no one tells you growing up is how the weather not only impacts your mental state, but also your physical one. No, I’m not talking about doing something stupid, like standing out in the rain with no umbrella or walking the dog on a brisk February morning with no coat on, I’m talking about something that sort of sneaks up on you, but once it hits, it’s devastating. Dry skin. Now, I don’t want…

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Valentine’s Day: Sometimes Simple is Best

Valentine’s Day: Sometimes Simple is Best

This coming Friday is Valentine’s Day.  A day for lovers.  Yes, I’m talking to you, Romeo (or Juliet, but now that I’m thinking about how they turned out, maybe that’s a bad example).  The greeting card and gift industry will tell you that’s it’s time to splurge on that special someone.  Buy them flowers, candy, a card, or something else dripped in hearts, chocolate, or blazing red.  Maybe take them out for an expensive dinner or weekend getaway – got…

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Friendships and Time: Don’t Let Them Slip Away

Friendships and Time: Don’t Let Them Slip Away

This past week, I received word that an old friend of mine from back in my Florida days had passed away at the relatively young age of 58.  His name was John Caylor.  I know that name probably means nothing to you, but it did to me.  Apparently, he had been suffering from a brain injury over the past five years and finally succumbed to his condition.  I hadn’t seen or spoken with John for over fifteen years.  I had…

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Retirement Update:  30 Days In – So Far, So Good

Retirement Update:  30 Days In – So Far, So Good

I finally snipped my tether to the working world this past January 1st and entered the wonderful world of retirement, so for those of you who may be thinking about doing the same (or just want to read about how the other half lives), here’s an update from one month in. Finances While I’m already living on my day-to-day retirement budget, the final payments from various agencies are still trickling in (state retirement payback, final work checks, etc.), so I’m…

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Food Trends 2025: What to Expect

Food Trends 2025: What to Expect

Well, it’s a new year and the pundits and prognosticators of the food world are weighing in, telling the eating public what to expect regarding food trends for the new year.  Here are just a few things they say we’ll be seeing more of in restaurants, food trucks, and other eateries. Freeze-Dried Treats You’ve probably already seen these at a few specialty food stores or even in some big-box department stores that have food items.  Freeze dried candies (think Skittles…

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Poker: Quietly Making a Comeback

Poker: Quietly Making a Comeback

Now that I’m retired, one of the “hobbies” that I can concentrate more on is my love for card games, and in this case – poker. Sure, there are lots of variations of the game: 5-card stud, 5-card draw, 7-card, Hi-Lo, and many others.  I like them all, but the one that I concentrate on the style that seems to fascinate spectators the most (and garners the most money and prestige) is Texas Hold-Em. For those of you who need…

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