An Ode to Spring: My Favorite Things
One of the wonderful things about living in my area is that we get to experience all four seasons. If you’re a fan of the heat, you’ll get your time in the summer months. Love the cold? Well, there’s a three-month season for you as well. Autumn also has its fans (me being one of them), and the fall months bring a smile to my face.
That being said, there’s lots to like about spring, and the weather has finally broken from dull and dreary to the promise of warm days, crisp nights, and a general greening of the landscape.

Everyone has their own personal favorites list about each season. Here’s mine for spring:
- Budding flowers, bushes, and trees are everywhere. I look forward to seeing crocuses, tulips, daffodils, forsythia, redbuds, azaleas, and magnolias.
- Taking out the glass panel in my front door and replacing it with the screen.
- Sleeping at night with the windows open.
- Spring onions, baby spinach, and wild mushrooms on my spring cooking menu.
- Adding the furniture to my front porch and sitting outside in the evenings.
- Baby chicks, ducklings, and rabbits at the local feed store.
- Watching the mountain behind my house turn shades of green as the trees begin to re-bud.
- A walk along the C&O Canal towpath on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
- The reopening of Mrs. William’s roadside produce stand for the season.
- Reading a book in the warmth of the afternoon sun.
- The sight of dozens of new calves in the fields, tottering tentatively beside their mothers.
- The sound of returning birds chirping in the trees.
- Watching “The Masters” golf tournament on TV.
- The buzzing of bees in my cherry trees.
That’s my list, which is by no means complete.
How about yours? Drop me a line in the comments below and share what you love about spring!
3 thoughts on “An Ode to Spring: My Favorite Things”
I love all those things plus
*Putting winter coats away
*Turning off the heat
*Washing windows
*Walking the dog for more than necessities
I enjoy all four seasons but Spring is my favorite for many of the same reasons you have already listed. Everything just seems to come alive with the warmer weather and instead of looking at brown grass and trees, it all turns green and blooming.
As I look out my window this morning the grass is green, baby calves are running around the field, and my daffodils are blooming. I agree with you about spring-it’s a beautiful time of year.
The best part is porch sitting!!!