Thoughts on Turning 50

Thoughts on Turning 50

My, my – how the time has flown.  Yes, this coming week – I will celebrate 50 years on this planet (as the helpful people from AARP have already reminded me with their recent large-font mailings).  What does it feel like to be a half-century old?  Well, truth be told – it doesn’t feel any different from turning 49, or 37 for that matter.  In my head, I’m still the same person who it seems just graduated from high school (albeit 32 years ago), stood at the altar awaiting my lovely bride (19 years ago), or watched in wonder and awe as my daughters were born (14 and 16 years ago, respectively).

That being said; however, there are a few things I’ve learned over the 18,264 days I’ve been around thus far:

  • My mind may say that age is not a factor, but no one sent my body the memo. Nothing like thinking “I can handle that heavy box and get it down on that ladder by myself” at work and my body telling me “uhh, we took a vote and decided that no – you can’t”.  I batter and bruise much easier than I used to, and the healing time has probably doubled.  Spend a morning weeding the flower beds?  Well guess what, hero – start getting used to a follow-up regimen of Advil and stiffness/soreness in places I have to look up in a medical textbook to realize that there was even a muscle there.


  • You’ll never hear the sentence “I saw Jim running” unless it is immediately followed by the phrase “for his life” or “from a person in a Sasquatch costume” (that sentence could also contain both of those phrases). Middle-aged people do not run.  Sure, there are exceptions, but as I grow older, I find that the “exceptions” list gets shorter by the day.


  • You know that filter in your mind that tells you “I probably shouldn’t say that”? Yeah, mine took the train to the little village of “Don’t Give a Damn” about ten years ago.  It’s amazing that the older I get, the less I care about what other people think.  These days, if you ask my opinion – I’ll probably give it to you, raw and unfiltered.  Want to know if that life decision you’re about to make is a good one?  Ask someone with gray hair.  I guarantee you you’ll get an honest answer.


  • The simple pleasures in life are always the best ones. Reading a good book on a cold winter’s day.  A long autumn walk with the leaves crunching beneath my feet.  A ripe Honeycrisp apple.  Savoring a long meal with good friends and great conversation.  The sound of ocean waves crashing on a beach.  As I grow older, I find that even though I still have the soul of a wandering vagabond that loves to travel, I truly appreciate living in a small town, enjoying the little things that I used to overlook or take for granted.

What will the next 50 years bring?  Who knows, but I’m ready to face them.

Come on life, show me what you’ve got.


What have you learned about growing older?  Drop me a line in the comment section below!



P.S. – I’m off on a “bucket list” trip to Tuscany with the wife this coming week.  I’ll keep a journal and let you all know about my adventures when I return.  Arrivederci!

2 thoughts on “Thoughts on Turning 50

  1. Remember when you were a teenager how your grandparents used to bore you with the same stories about things that happened in the past? Now you have reached the age where you realize that those stories were important as a part of your heritage.

    1. Oh, how true! My grandfather once told me about the evolution of the sewage and water systems of Baltimore County. I was bored to tears over stories of outhouses in the middle of a bustling city…now I beg him to recount it as his memory fades and the details become less and less… I’m very grateful to be nearly 40 and still have the presence of grandparents.

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