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Month: July 2024

The Summer Vegetable Stand:  Buying Local Never Tasted So Good

The Summer Vegetable Stand:  Buying Local Never Tasted So Good

Living in a rural area in the summer is a magical time.  Gardens are in full bloom, and all over the countryside, local fruit and vegetable stands are busy, presenting fresh and just-picked produce used in our favorite summer recipes.  They may be a formal market, a lean-to on the side of the road, or even just a small table at the end of a driveway (where payment is made on the honor system), but no matter where you find…

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Parenting:  A Job That Never Ends

Parenting:  A Job That Never Ends

I have some friends who recently became grandparents, and they have been proudly showing my wife and I pictures of their new grandson (who, truth be told, is a cute little fart).  As I look at the pictures, I can’t help but reflect on my own kids, and the job my wife and I have done as parents. We raised our girls to be smart, independent young women, and now that they are both young adults, they are out in…

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Casual Dining Chains:  What, You Don’t Want Our Business Anymore?

Casual Dining Chains:  What, You Don’t Want Our Business Anymore?

I don’t know how long it’s been since the last time you went out to eat at a casual dining chain, but the landscape sure has changed – and not for the better. First off, I’m going to do my “old man” rant on QR codes.  Now, I do technology as a profession, so I understand that it does help in some cases.  I also understand that the younger generation has no problem adapting to these advances, but I’d like…

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I’m On The Verge of Retirement:  So Why Now?

I’m On The Verge of Retirement:  So Why Now?

As of today, I’ve only got 176 days left of work until I pull the plug and retire from the normal 9-to-5 of the world of work.  I’m walking away after 35 years of regular employment, at the rather young age of 57. I get lots of comments from friends and co-workers when I share this information.  After the formal “congratulations”, there’s always the upturned eyebrow, along with the slew of questions. “Aren’t you a little young to retire?” “What…

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The 4th of July – Not Just Independence Day

The 4th of July – Not Just Independence Day

This week marks the 248th anniversary of the Continental Congress adopting the Declaration of Independence in 1776.  It’s a big day in our nation’s history. But it’s not the only significant event in our nation’s history that has happened on that day. If you’re really in the mood to celebrate (or somberly remember), here are some other things that also happened on that day (all of these events are listed on the and websites, in case you’re wondering):…

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