The Driving Test – Part II
When last we left our heroes, the car they were using was on the fritz, confidences had been shattered, and the question on whether or not the State of Maryland would ever grant my oldest daughter her driver’s license was up in the air.
What a difference a week makes.
As you recall from last week, the 2012 Nissan Sentra my daughter was going to take her test in decided to break down while sitting in line to take the driver’s exam. We took the car to our trusted local mechanic, who fixed that issue (and for under $200, bless him), and the car was returned in working order this past Monday.
On Tuesday, we spent some time practicing that dreaded two-point turn (our point of failure in the last test) in a local parking lot. After five successful attempts, it appeared as if we were ready to go on that front as well.

Come Wednesday, Grandma took my eldest to the DMV, where they again went through the process of signing up for the driving road test. I asked for text updates, as I was stuck at work and couldn’t make the trip.
The test was scheduled for 3:15 PM.
At 3:20 PM, I got a text that they were 6th in line for the actual road test.
I paused for a moment at my desk, taking the time to send some good vibes and positive energy across the expanse and airwaves for a positive outcome.
4:00 PM. Another text. 2nd in line now – the report is that nerves are taking hold.
At 4:15 PM, I got a phone call from my mother (Grandma).
“I hope this is good news,” I stated on the phone.
“She’s backing in right now,” came the reply.
Ayyyyy-yiiii-yiiii. I didn’t really want a live report.
“The car has stopped,” reported my mother.
“Is she getting out?” I asked, knowing that would be a bad sign.
A slight pause. I held my breath.
“Nope, she’s pulling out. Looks good!” said my mother. “She just smiled as she drove past me.”
The rest of the test apparently completed without incident.

I met my newly-minted driver after work for a celebratory ice cream cone and a much deserved hug.
Parenting has its highs and lows, but this was definitely one of the former.
So how did her younger sister react? Well, they’ve both been off to town every day since for lunch, shopping, and even a lowly trip to get some milk. The Hatfields and the McCoys are apparently bonding over shared transportation.
I also called my insurance agent. Adding a teen girl to my car insurance (who can’t even drive on campus her first year)? Congratulations, Dad, that’s a 35% increase on your annual premium. Ugh.
Even so, the smile on my daughter’s face as she got out of that car at the ice cream shop and flashed me her well-earned license was worth it all.
2 thoughts on “The Driving Test – Part II”
Congratulations eldest daughter. Knew you would do it!
Congratulations Becky! enjoy your new freedom.